Librarian by Day

Bobbi L. Newman

Trying new coffee shopsI spend a lot of time reading, some of it related to libraries or work or transiteracy or the digital divide so I’ve been thinking about a way to share it. Then I realized hey! This is a blog by a librarian shouldn’t I be required to post what I’m reading here? This weekend I asked on Twitter and Facebook if there was any interest in what I’m reading. The answer was yes. So here it is!

Once a month I’m going to write a What I’m Reading post. It will include books, reports, publications, manifestos any other number of official things, it wont include blog posts or articles found online, I already share those via Twitter and this blog.


I Live in the Future & Here’s How It Works: Why Your World, Work, and Brain Are Being Creatively Disrupted – I discovered this via Twitter from Jenny Levine. Two of my favorite quotes so far:

It wasn’t about print versus digital; it was about immediacy, details, links, interactive graphics, videos, and, most important, hyperpersonalization.

Paper is still gadget number one for reading content; it’s disposable, relatively inexpensive, and relatively simple to create in small or large quantities, and it doesn’t need batteries or a power outlet.

Ask For It: How Women Can Use Negotiation to Get What They Really Want – Two things I’m thinking about right now:

Keep in mind that what you really want may not be about more—more responsibility, more money, more status. Changing your life for the better isn’t always about being on the fast track or moving higher up the corporate ladder, sometimes it’s about slowing down or moving sideways. So forget about the typical pathways to success in your profession. Take a fresh look at every aspect of your life and figure out what suits you. Consider hiring a personal coach to help you zero in on what would make you happier or help you strike the right balance among your many interests, goals, and commitments.

I wish I could hirer a personal life coach, but mostly I’m thinking that being successful at something doesn’t mean I have to keep doing it. I can say ok, did that, and move on to something new.

WHAT WILL YOU REGRET? Researchers have found that people experience two different kinds of regret: regret about things they’ve done and regret about the things they didn’t do. Overwhelmingly, people regret the things they didn’t do far more. When asked to identify the biggest regret in their life, people are two to three times more likely to describe something they didn’t do instead of something they did.

Don’t think I need to elaborate on this one.


There’s an App for That! Libraries and Mobile Technology: An Introduction to Public Policy Considerations (pdf) from the Office for Information Technology Policy

As the information revolution continues to unfold, libraries will experiment with mobile devices and services to support the information needs of their users wherever they may be. The adoption of mobile technology alters the traditional relationships between libraries and their users and introduces novel challenges to reader privacy. At the same time, the proliferation of mobile devices and services raises issues of access to information in the digital age, including content ownership and licensing, digital rights management, and accessibility. This policy brief explores some of these issues, and is intended to stimulate further community discussion and policy analysis.

Universal Broadband: Targeting Investments to Deliver Broadband Services to All Americans (pdf) A project of the Aspen Institute Communications and Society Program and the John S. and James L. Knight Foundation.

Eighty percent of the households with incomes of less than $20,000 subscribe to premium television services whose monthly fees are comparable to, and often exceed, the cost of broadband. This might surprise some who view broadband as more essential than premium television, but it should come as no surprise for a variety of reasons.

First, while television brings value to the individual, broadband’s value depends to a significant degree on how many people in one’s social circle are also using it and how they are using it. Second, there is a large gap between the tools necessary to find and locate trustworthy, substantive content; how to safely interact online; and how to protect personal information. Moreover, using the Internet requires its users to be literate. Fourteen percent of the adult population in the United States, or 30 million people, read at below basic literacy levels, while another 63 million read at just the basic level. Literacy levels do not interfere with television usage, but without sufficient content geared towards those with lower reading levels, the utility of the Internet for those Americans drops dramatically. In short, there is no digital literacy without basic literacy.

Lighter Fare

Recently added to my To-Read List

26 responses to “What I’m Reading in November”

  1. librarianbyday Avatar

    What I’m Reading in November – Negotiation, The Future, Mobile Apps and Broadband


    1. SLGz Avatar

      RT @librarianbyday: What I’m Reading in November – Negotiation, The Future, Mobile Apps and Broadband


    2. califone Avatar

      RT @librarianbyday: What I’m Reading in November – Negotiation, The Future, Mobile Apps and Broadband


    3. califone Avatar

      @librarianbyday Digital trends point towards a direction we all acknowledge but few can describe where it’s leading don’t they?


      1. librarianbyday Avatar

        @califone oh I don’t think we are all acknowledging it yet, there are still quite a few with their heads in the sand 🙂


        1. califone Avatar

          @librarianbyday Hear you on that. There was a time when our phonograph players were considered cutting edge…


  2. Rebecca Avatar

    Re: Women and negotiation, have you read her previous book, Women Don’t Ask? Very interesting insight in to *why* women tend not to negotiate to begin with.


    1. Bobbi Newman Avatar

      I did read Women Don’t Ask, in fact I heard her speak years ago and the lessons from the speech and her book have really stuck with me. I once had a boss tell me he tells me no threes more than other employees but I ask for three times as much. I took it as a compliment. 🙂 One of the things the new book points out is even if you think you are getting a equal treatment you might not be there is so much we don’t consider.


  3. librarianbyday Avatar

    What I’m Reading – Negotiation, The Future, Mobile Apps and Broadband


    1. DressedHerDays Avatar

      RT @librarianbyday: What I’m Reading – Negotiation, The Future, Mobile Apps and Broadband


  4. […] What I’m Reading in November | Librarian by Day (tags: reading librarian) This entry was posted in Uncategorized. Bookmark the permalink. ← links for 2010-11-08 […]


  5. librarianbyday Avatar

    What are you reading? Leave a comment and let me know what I should be reading What I’m Reading in November


    1. ValentineLuLu Avatar

      Like this! @librarianbyday What are you reading? What I’m Reading in November


  6. Justin Hoenke Avatar

    I’ve fallen into a (good!) habit of catching up on my Google Reader, Mashable, and Twitter feed on my iPad right before I go to bed. I’m using Flipboard to collect a lot of other news feeds (NYT, Spin, Boing Boing) and that helps a lot.


    1. Bobbi Newman Avatar

      Justin – You’re not reading any books?


  7. Melanie Avatar

    The Petting Zoo by Jim Carroll.


  8. Too Busy Reading to Write « The Infornado Avatar

    […] say, “Hey! Me too!” and it just so happened that Bobbi Newman went and posted a “What I’m reading” post just today. So, completely unoriginal, here’s how you can see what I’ve […]


  9. Jamie Hollier Avatar

    I have a few too many books in process at the moment, but they are all great: Good Boss, Bad Boss by Robert Sutton, Half Empty by David Rakoff, and Daemon by Daniel Suarez


    1. Bobbi Newman Avatar

      Good Boss, Bad Boss is on my list too, I’ll check out the others!


      1. Jamie Hollier Avatar

        I am really liking Good Boss, Bad Boss – Many highlights from this one

        Half Empty is laugh out loud funny

        I have heard that Daemon is a thoughtful sci-fi book that deals with democracy and augmented reality.


        1. Bobbi Newman Avatar

          Half Empty is going on the list too! Thanks!


  10. Jimmy the Geek Avatar

    In the Lighter Fare category, Chris Faulkner’s Brain Jack is a surprisingly good read, and quite believable as most of the technology mentioned in the book is available or in prototype today!


  11. Charlene S. Avatar
    Charlene S.

    I recently read The Immortal Life of Henrietta Lacks. Fascinating! I’m currently reading The Thief Lord by Cornelia Funke and American Born Chinese by Gene Luen Yang for school book club.


    1. Bobbi Newman Avatar

      Thank you for the suggestions Charlene!


  12. Read This! What I’m Reading in December 2010 | Librarian by Day Avatar

    […] last months What I’m Reading post went so well I thought I’d write one for […]


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