Librarian by Day

Bobbi L. Newman

As of writing this (10:30 am central time 7/19/08 ) there are over 30 people signed up on the wiki (thank you again Lori for having the smarts to make one!) I hope this can be an ongoing project with new people continuing to sign up and maybe people who participated now can do it again.

I’ve read some really great posts and I’m not even though them all yet.  I do have to point out somone who took a different approach to the Project.

One of the other Librarians at MPOW has agreed to do a series of guest posts about her week July 28th – August 1st.  She is our Collection Development Librarian, so you’ll be getting a completely different view of my work place.

Some information that probably should have been included in my first post – My job title and what it means. I’m the Digital Services Librarian at the Missouri River Regional Library, a public library in the Midwest serving about 85,000 people.  So what does that mean?  You’ve seen from the posts what I do some days, here is a more official run down of my duties

  • Identify, investigate, and use emerging technology to enable easy access to information
  • Anticipate changing community needs and interests
  • Participate in the creation and provision of information in digital media formats
  • Support online learning
  • Enhance the effectiveness of library information and instructional services
  • Explore new technologies for delivering services and information
  • Train staff and the public in new technologies for delivering services and information
  • Act as manager on nights and weekends to address patron concerns and issues
  • Provide reference and reader’s advisory services
  • Serve on various committees for the improvement of patron and staff services
  • Select materials and managed funds designated for subject selection

This post is part of The Day in the Life project, if you’re interested in reading more  please visit the wike or if you’re interested in documenting your own day, please add your name and blog.

5 responses to “Day in the life of a librarian – Summary”

  1. Rebecca Avatar

    I have recently subscribed to your blog and have loved reading your series on The Day in the Life project. I see that you are in a public library system and I’m just curious to know if you’ve ever been in the academic setting. I am currently in the public library system as well, and will begin my MLS this Fall. I’m trying to weigh the pros and cons of public vs. academic. Just curious. Keep the great entries coming!


  2. Bobbi Newman Avatar

    Hi Rebecca! I’m glad you’re finding the posts helpful!

    I have not worked in an academic library. My first Librarian gig was in a Special Library for a very large corporation. I’ve worked various positions in public libraries over the years before getting my MLIS, so my strongest experience is there. I know there were quiet a few academic librarian signed up on the wiki so there should be some good days to read about in that category!


  3. annot8 Avatar

    Hi Bobbi,
    Just curious about your Digital Services position – do you have others working with you, or do you collaborate with IT or Collection Development? Our library system used to have a full-time e-resources librarian, but a few years ago the position was cut and re-assigned to reference. Now it’s like one of our “selector” positions – given a few hours a week for what used to be a full-time job. I look forward to reading your posts!


  4. Bobbi Newman Avatar

    Hi annot8 – I think you’re referring mostly to database management and that really takes up a small portion of my time. We’re a relatively small library and we don’t have that many changes happening. I manage our digital content by myself. I do have some writing contributions for the blog from other staff members, but it’s on a pretty small scale. (I would love to have more!). Other staff members take the photos for our Flickr account and I just oversee it. But the majority of the content is created and maintained by me. I do work with IT to get permissions set up and different software installed. I don’t really work with the Collection Development Librarian, specifically but I do try to meet with everyone who works Reference once a month for discussion and feedback. I also order books for the 800 & 900s, work the reference desk, supervise on nights and weekends, write Learning 2.1 lesson for our staff, teach advanced internet classes to our patrons, do one on one sessions with staff members about web technology, serve on various committees and just about anything else they can throw at me.

    I hope that answers your questions.


  5. Reflecting on Library Day in the Life #libday6 | Librarian by Day Avatar

    […] round was in July of 2008. It started with a simple blog post suggesting a meme. I can see from my summary post on the first round that 30 people had signed up on the wiki. I remember I was able to read all […]


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