Librarian by Day

Bobbi L. Newman

This is getting ridiculous!
My desk at the library

Wow I saw this come across in the search terms used to find my blog.  I’m assuming it’s someone considering becoming a Librarian and I thought what an amazing opportunity!  If I post about this and get others to do it too, it will allow librarians to share amongst ourselves (our positions are changing so rapidly) and also  to let the public know what we do.  I’m not sure I have the ability to start a meme, but I really hope other librarians will pick this up as sort of a meme and write about their day or week on their blogs

Since my days vary so much, I’m going to write about my week, look for it some time next week.  In the mean time please consider doing this on your blog if you have one!

Edited at 7/9/08 2:30pm Central to add: This morning while I was busy playing videos games Lori Reed created a wiki for this idea where you can add your name and your blog to the list if you’re particpating.  Go sign up! key is “library”

42 responses to “What is a librarian’s day like?”

  1. lauren pressley Avatar

    Haha! My desk looks just like that! Thanks for starting this meme… I might do a daily summary Wed-Wed since my days vary a lot, too!


  2. Talking Books Librarian Avatar

    A cool idea…. but I’m not sure I have a typical day, week, or even year! 🙂 I will give it some thought though….


  3. Connie Crosby Avatar

    What a great use of web statistics looking at your blog traffic! I will post something too and let you know when I’ve done it. 🙂



  4. Lori Reed Avatar

    Wow I would love to see what other librarian days are like. I’ve actually been thinking about doing this for a while. As a full time “trainer” I often hear…what do you do all day you only teach a few classes a month…as a result I thought it would be fun to document a day in the life of…

    Thanks for starting this!


  5. […] in my week Posted on July 8, 2008 by J This is a great idea from another librarian to talk about a “day in the life”. But I have to agree with her that just describing […]


  6. Bobbi Newman Avatar

    I’m so excited to see the blog posts that get written up! I really hope this spreads, it’s going to be so interesting so how other people send their days.


  7. […] L. Newman, over at Librarian by Day, has posted an interesting challenge: for library bloggers to post about what they do in a day of work. As with most of the commenters, […]


  8. Margo Jantzi Avatar


    My weeks as a new library media specialist are amazingly exciting! Currently I’m processing over 1,500 books that were donated. Barcodes and spine labels have become my closest friends.

    Check out our website to see me shelving the Follett Opening Day Collection.

    We are collecting box tops for education to assist the collection development.

    Any experienced elementary library media specialists that wish to give me wisdom and advice for success in my first year please e-mail me at

    Margo in Virginia


  9. curiouschild Avatar

    I’ll join in. My day varies from day to day because I work alternately as a reference librarian, an archivist and an history instructor.


  10. […] joking aside, I got the idea for the “week in the life” from Librarian By Day via Lauren’s Library […]


  11. Mandy Avatar
  12. A Day in the Life of…(You) Avatar

    […] Bobbi Newman wrote a post on her site Librarian by Day with the idea of what if we could all write posts detailing a day or […]


  13. Kathryn Greenhill Avatar

    Nice idea. Hope to do mine in the next couple of weeks. I have a desk at home and a desk at work, so I’ll try to include shots of both of them. Work = much neater than home.


  14. […] 10, 2008 at 1:36 pm · Filed under Uncategorized I read Gina’s blog about the idea of sharing with others what our days are like as librarians from Librarian By Day, and I really like it. Not just for the sharing aspects, but also it will be […]


  15. […] Newman, at Librarian By Day, noticed a search in her logs that read: “what is a librarian’s day like?” She writes: […]


  16. […] One Day in the Life of a Librarian Posted on July 11, 2008 by wedothatinidaho I saw this idea to post a blog about what it’s like to be a librarian, but it would also work as Library Assistant, Page, Director, Circulation Manager, etc. I first saw it on Gina Perischini’s Blog, and then read it on the pages she linked from, namely Librarian by Day. […]


  17. Civil Librarian Avatar

    Fantastic idea! One of the things I do at my job is coordinate professional development for our Urban Libraries Council Scholars; I’m going to be certain to clue them in to this so they can get a good look at the variety of professional library work looks like! Again, thanks for the great idea!


  18. […] thing going on this week in the library blogosphere: in response to an invitation issued by the Librarian by Day, over a dozen library staff will be detailing their workdays on their blogs.  All kinds of […]


  19. Wednesday - A day in the life of a librarian « Librarian By Day Avatar

    […] I get up and after making coffee, check all email accounts from home. Then since I don’t have to be at work until this afternoon I try to relax so I a play video game.  When I get too frustrated because I’m dying I check FriendFeed and Twitter and see Lori Reed has created a wiki for the Day in the Life idea.! awesome! Apparently I do have the ability to start a meme.  […]


  20. […] find her blog searching on the phrase “What is a librarian’s day like.” She suggested that her readers post an answer to this question so that other librarians and potential librarians get some idea of what working as a librarian is […]


  21. […] Tom Ipri recently wrote a “week in the life” post for the What is a librarian’s day like? meme. I happened to read that post today, and it just so happens that my Monday is a good day to […]


  22. […] you to Bobbi Newman for this wonderful idea! You can read the post that inspired librarydayinthelife on Bobbi’s site Librarian by […]


  23. […] Newman  originated the “what’s a librarian’s day like?” meme and tagged me. A wiki devoted to these posts has been created: Library Day in the Life. […]


  24. It all started with Bobbi’s question… Avatar

    […] August 1, 2008  Randomness I’m not sure I have the ability to start a meme… […]


  25. Alex Avatar

    I found your site on technorati and read a few of your other posts. Keep up the good work. I just added your RSS feed to my Google News Reader. Looking forward to reading more from you down the road!


  26. Library Day in the Life Tuesday Day 4 « Librarian by Day Avatar

    […] would like to read more please the wiki, if you’re interested in how it all got started read this post and this […]


  27. A day in the life of a librarian - Monday « Digitalist Avatar

    […] of a librarian – Monday Last year Bobbi Newman who blogs over at Librarian By Day started a project which involved the folks who work in libraries blogging about their daily activities. Well round 2 […]


  28. Looking back - the year in review at Librarian by Day Avatar

    […] – I successfully start my first library meme – A Day in the Life of a Library …. takes […]


  29. Keith Rocci Avatar

    Your desk looks like mine!


  30. Librarian by Day » 2nd Annual Library Day in the Life Project Avatar

    […] is the Library Day in the Life Project? well it started with this post suggesting that we blog what we do all day at work.  Libraries are changing so rapidly and we all […]


  31. Reference Services Avatar
    Reference Services

    Your website is great!

    Here is the url for the blog from the Archives of the Sandusky Library, if you would like to take a look:


  32. Library Day in the Life Round 4, January 2010 | Librarian by Day Avatar

    […] library works of all types document a day or a week of their work life. You can check out the original blog post, my explanation of why I do it, or the wiki for more […]


  33. Round 5 of Library Day in the Life! | Librarian by Day Avatar

    […] is the Library Day in the Life Project? well it started with this post suggesting that we blog what we do all day at work.  Libraries are changing so rapidly and we all […]


  34. […] is the Library Day in the Life Project? well it started with this post suggesting that we blog what we do all day at work.  Libraries are changing so rapidly and we all […]


  35. […] libraries for five days. “What is the Library Day in the Life Project? well it started with this post suggesting that we blog what we do all day at work.  Libraries are changing so rapidly and we all […]


  36. […] seeing Bobbie Newman’s calls for participation for ‘Library Day in the Life’ the past few years, I decided this was the year. Not only the year that I would participate but also the year I would […]


  37. […] the importance of librarians and why she’s going to participate in Library Day in the Life ( ) on January 24th. Librarians will blog and/or tweet what they do all day at work. This is meant to […]


  38. […] to start this. It was inspired by Bobbie Newman and you can read about the inspiration behind it here. This entry was posted in libday6. Bookmark the permalink. LikeBe the first to like […]


  39. […] I’ve seen the “Librarian Day in the Life” tweets and posts before, but this is the first time I’ve caught wind of it in time to participate. Before I go into my day, I’d like to thank Bobbi Newman for starting this and make reference to her original post. […]


  40. Day in the life of an academic librarian « A Canuck Librarian Avatar

    […] | Tags: librarydayinthelife | Leave a Comment  A few years ago Bobbi Newman started her A day in the life of a librarian project. It’s now undergoing its sixth round. Essentially it’s a way to share with […]


  41. […] Day in the Life was inspired by a blog post from Bobbi Newman in 2008, and has grown tremendously since. From the project’s […]


  42. […] to spare, today begins Round 7 of the excellent Library Day in the Life project. Inspired by a blog post from Bobbi Newman in 2008, the event has  grown tremendously since. From the project’s […]


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