Librarian by Day

Bobbi L. Newman

Thanks to the holidays and Mid Winter I am still working on titles I’ve mentioned before Cognitive Surplus: Creativity and Generosity in a Connected Age by Clay Shirky and Why We Buy: The Science of Shopping–Updated and Revised for the Internet, the Global Consumer, and Beyond for Non-Fiction.


In Fiction I finished off the Gemma Doyle trilogy with The Sweet Far Thing and moved onto World Without End the follow up to Ken Follet’s The Pillars of the Earth.


For reports of course I’m reading Perceptions of Libraries, 2010: Context and Community from OCLC.

Old Favorites

Earlier this week someone asked me what my favorite books are, I’m embarrassed to admit I couldn’t think of anything off the top of my  head. Yes, really, nothing. Librarian fail. In attempt to recover from my shame I thought I’d share a few of them with you.

The Devil’s Picnic – My selection for the non-fiction book club I lead at my library several years ago. The author travels the world sampling forbidden and illegals foods from absinthe and coca leaves to  alcohol and eels. It gets really interesting when he starts looking why and how things became illegal or forbidden.

The Geography of Bliss: One Grump’s Search for the Happiest Places in the World – I took this with me (in hardback!) when I went to England and Italy several years ago. I read a lot of books about happiness, what makes us happy, the physiological aspects of happiness, etc. The author looks at how location affects happiness.

The Idiot Girls’ Action-Adventure Club: True Tales from a Magnificent and Clumsy Life – Humorous essays,  I read this years ago when I lived in Phoenix before I went back to school for my MLS.

Pride and Prejudice – I’ll confess I haven’t read a of “classics” and often don’t like the ones I do (I hated Catcher in the Rye and The Great Gatsby!) but this is one of my all time favorite books

Harry Potter books – love them! I don’t care what anyone thinks.

5 responses to “January 2011 – Here’s What I’m Reading, Plus a Few Old Favorites. What Are You Reading?”

  1. Charlene S. Avatar
    Charlene S.

    I enjoyed World Without End even more than Pillars of the Earth. I’ve been reading Freedom by Franzen but I’m not enjoying it at all and not sure I’ll be able to finish it.


    1. Bobbi Newman Avatar

      So far I’m enjoy World without end better too, though I’m not even half way through the 36 discs and 45 plus hours of Book on CD 🙂


  2. Jeanette Avatar

    Right now,I am reading “A Witch in Time” by Madelyn Alt on my Bberry Kindle App.& my Netbook/PC Kindle App..

    I love the Paranormal Mysteries & Romances. They completely relax me,and they help curb my insomnia. My fave authors in that genre are Charlaine Harris (before and after True Blood…not that I don’t love True Blood..I do :-> I have just been reading her for a long time now) Patrica Briggs, Shirley Damsgaard, Laurell K. Hamilton ,MaryJanice Davidson and Madelyn Alt.

    There are only two here that I prefer not to read via my Kindle app. ,only because the covers are so cool that I want them in print. That would be Patrica Briggs and Shirley Damsgarrd.

    I am also rereading “The Wind in the Willows”,but only on the weekends when I have off. The atmosphere that book creates for me is “chill’ that I just want to be bale to get lost and not pay attention to time. I am also reading that on my Kindle app. This edition comes with the illustrations ,while some others do not.

    Bobbi..I am definitely going to tell my husband about “The Devil’s Picnic”. That is right up his alley.


    1. Bobbi Newman Avatar

      Some great suggestions there, I’ll have to check them out. I hope your husband enjoys the Devil’s Picnic it is one of my favs!


  3. faith@tree service Avatar

    I just started reading Lily of the Nile – started great, hope it’s like this till the end.


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