Librarian by Day

Bobbi L. Newman

My personal select top ten links from Twitter 7/23/2010 through 7/29/2010. The best of the best and/or the most important stuff I tweeted last week

1. So-Called “Digital Natives” Not Media Savvy, New Study Shows via @colleengreene – I know the concept of digital natives has been popular but anyone who works with the generation knows that it is inaccurate there is a huge divide between those with the access to technology, never mind the know-how to use it.

2. AssortedStuff » We Need More Tech Skeptics – more on the idea of digital natives

3. Five tips for asking better questions – asking questions is easy, asking good questions is hard.

  1. Good questions require creative thinking.
  2. When you’re lost, look for questions, not answers.
  3. Think of your career path as a question path.
  4. Asking good questions takes work – that you have to do yourself.
  5. Field other peoples’ questions to get better at asking questions.

4. great perspective But who will speak for the trees? – a different look at ebooks from someone who does not work in libraries

5. great tips for speakers – How do we balance technical v. non technical for a mixed audience? as a tech savvy librarian I often speak in front of a mixed crowd. It is hard to speak at a level that isn’t over or under the group, I don’t want anyone to become bored but I don’t want anyone to become frustrate either.

  • Know the purpose of the presentation.
  • Even an audience of experts appreciates a clear, compelling presentation
  • Define your territory
  • Structure your presentation with a 3-point message
  • Head off some questions with advance information.
  • Leave something for the Q&A.
  • Speak to both groups when answering questions

6. great list! from @MLx RT @colleengreene: Top Ten (10) Social Media Competencies for Librarians – from the Top Ten (10) Social Media Competencies for Librarians by Dean Guistini:

  1. Understand, articulate and teach others about the main principles and trends of web 2.0 (and library 2.0)
  2. List major tools, categories and affordances of social networking sites
  3. Apply social media to solve information problems, and communicate digitally with users
  4. Use social networking sites for promotional, reference and instructional services in libraries
  5. Navigate, evaluate and create content on social networking sites
  6. Follow netiquette, conform to ethical standards and interact appropriately with others online
  7. Explain copyright, security and privacy issues on social media sites to colleagues and user communities
  8. Understand the importance of identity and reputation management using social media
  9. Explain related terminology such as collaboration 2.0, remix and open source
  10. Renew social media competencies, advocate for institutional strategies and policies and build evidence base in social media…”

7. Why Money Makes You Unhappy (via @jonahlehrer and via @DanielPink – a very interesting read on what makes us happy

The Liege psychologists propose that, because money allows us to enjoy the best things in life – we can stay at expensive hotels and eat exquisite sushi and buy the nicest gadgets – we actually decrease our ability to enjoy the mundane joys of everyday life. (Their list of such pleasures includes ”sunny days, cold beers, and chocolate bars”.) And since most of our joys are mundane – we can’t sleep at the Ritz every night – our ability to splurge actually backfires. We try to treat ourselves, but we end up spoiling ourselves

8. Facebook privacy settings: Who cares? by danah boyd and Eszter Hargittai – abstract:

With over 500 million users, the decisions that Facebook makes about its privacy settings have the potential to influence many people. While its changes in this domain have often prompted privacy advocates and news media to critique the company, Facebook has continued to attract more users to its service. This raises a question about whether or not Facebook’s changes in privacy approaches matter and, if so, to whom. This paper examines the attitudes and practices of a cohort of 18– and 19–year–olds surveyed in 2009 and again in 2010 about Facebook’s privacy settings. Our results challenge widespread assumptions that youth do not care about and are not engaged with navigating privacy. We find that, while not universal, modifications to privacy settings have increased during a year in which Facebook’s approach to privacy was hotly contested. We also find that both frequency and type of Facebook use as well as Internet skill are correlated with making modifications to privacy settings. In contrast, we observe few gender differences in how young adults approach their Facebook privacy settings, which is notable given that gender differences exist in so many other domains online. We discuss the possible reasons for our findings and their implications.

9. Prezi For The Win? Ten Top Tips To Make a Good One | thewikiman via @therealwikiman thanks Ned! – If you haven’t seen the amazing presentations Ned Potter has done with Prezi you need to take a look.  He has mastered not just using Prezi without making you nauseous but using it to make great presentations. Ned shares his tips in this post.

10. Getting Permission | David Lee King  if you’re like me you probably sometimes suspect that David Lee King’s office is full of champagne  fountains and frolicking unicorns.  David shares that all the amazing things he and his library are able to do don’t happen by magic but by hard work.

One response to “Top Ten Links Week 30 – Happiness, Social Media Comptency, eBooks, Digital Natives, Prezi, Facebook Privacy and More!”

  1. annalynnmartino Avatar

    RT @librarianbyday: Top Ten Links Week 30 – Happiness, Social Media Comptency, eBooks, Digital Natives, Prezi, Facebook Privacy and More …


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