Librarian by Day

Bobbi L. Newman

My personally selected top 10 from the links I shared on Twitter from 3/5/2010 thru 3/11/2010

1.How to Overcome Idea-to-idea Syndrome via @dmlcentral – Ideas are great, but its the follow through that matters. The idea is the easy part, the dream the vision the excitement, putting it into action requires rolling up your sleeves, late nights, long hours, convincing others and more. The follow through is where most ideas fall down.

2. How to Stay Positive…when the boss isn’t – via @buffyjhamilton for the record my boss is great and more positive than I am 🙂

  1. Make Your Bus Great
  2. Your Positive Energy Must be Greater than All of the Negativity
  3. Live it, Breathe it, Share it – Walt Whitman said we convince by our presence.
  4. Invite Your Boss on Your Bus – Give your boss The Energy Bus or another book on positive leadership.
  5. If Your Boss Doesn’t Change, You Can – If all else fails then you have a choice.

3. Digital Literacy Skills Essential to Closing Broadband Gap – from the The Knight Commission on the Information Needs of Communities in a Democracy

The survey findings reinforce the growing body of research that finds digital literacy skills are critical to bridging the gap between those who are able to fully participate in the information age and those who live as second-class citizens in informed communities. While the cost of Internet connectivity was cited by 36% of non-adopters as the  reason for not having Internet access at home, issues related to digital literacy came in second, with 22% citing this concern. Other reasons for non-adoption included relevance of Internet content (19%), other reasons outside of these categories (11%), combination of the above (4%) and lack of availability (5%).

4. Deliver a Better Presentation by Reminding Yourself It’s Not About You [Mind Hacks] RT @MLx

There are five main components to pulling together a good presentation:

  1. Choose a goal;
  2. Find a storyline that will help the group reach that goal;
  3. Develop a series of activities or a method of presentation that allows you to develop your storyline. Don’t let your media determine your storyline!
  4. Remember that your role is to facilitate the group reaching its shared goal. This is your primary responsibility!
  5. Remember that it’s not about you. All that matters is the experience of the other people in the room.

5. Print is dying. Digital is surging. Everyone is confused#ebooks via @cindi an ebooks must read

6. Are These 3 Odd but Common Obstacles Standing in the Way of Your Success?

  1. drama
  2. Small invisible barriers.
  3. You fall back into old patterns, thoughts and behaviors.

7. U of Michigan debuts PictureIt Rare Book Reader via @GMLGeek @ericrumsey @jgreen31@archivesnext @lljohnston

PictureIt is a web-based animation program that gives users the sensation of turning the pages of digitized rare materials that would be otherwise difficult, if not impossible, to view or obtain.

8. Digital Natives? Naive! Are we embracing the ill-defined notion of “digital natives” via @Strng_Dichotomy – a good reminder that the digital divide is  not just along generational or age lines

9. eBooks in Libraries a Thorny Problem, Says Macmillan CEO

Sargent is not afraid of changing the publisher’s relationship with libraries. In fact, change may well be required.

“That is a very thorny problem”, said Sargent. In the past, getting a book from libraries has had a tremendous amount of friction. You have to go to the library, maybe the book has been checked out and you have to come back another time. If it’s a popular book, maybe it gets lent ten times, there’s a lot of wear and tear, and the library will then put in a reorder. With ebooks, you sit on your couch in your living room and go to the library website, see if the library has it, maybe you check libraries in three other states. You get the book, read it, return it and get another, all without paying a thing. “It’s like Netflix, but you don’t pay for it. How is that a good model for us?”

“If there’s a model where the publisher gets a piece of the action every time the book is borrowed, that’s an interesting model”

10. RT @vonburkhardt: Good post from @blendedlib about finding the right market for libraries: Will What Worked For Groucho Work for Libraries

CC image used courtesy of holeymoon on flickr

3 responses to “Top Ten Links Week 10”

  1. Winnie Avatar

    I had a chuckle at the CEO of MacMillan. First he says:” If it’s a popular book, maybe it gets lent ten times, there’s a lot of wear and tear, and the library will then put in a reorder.” Ten times? TEN times? Most of the books in our library get lent considerably more than that – I think the first Harry Potter has gone out close to 200 times. Is he saying that MacMillan is only building books to last 10 readings? Then he says ” maybe you check libraries in three other states.” Huh? Maybe you do things differently in the US, but here in the frozen north, you have to have a valid library card at the library you are downloading from and to get that card you have to live within its funding area or pay a fee so even checking the library the next town over will likely do you no good.


    1. Bobbi Newman Avatar

      Winnie, I completely agree with you! he has no idea how the library model works!


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