Librarian by Day

Bobbi L. Newman

My personally selected top ten from the links I shared on Twitter 5.7.2011 through 5.13.2011.  In no particular order:

1. Facebook admits hiring PR firm to smear Google /via @engadget This story broke this week and it wasn’t until after I’d tweeted it that I learned that the PR firm referenced one of my blog posts in their attempts to smear Google! Crazy and Weird. Especially since I’ve written far more often about Facebook privacy problems.

2. wow -> Sitting All Day is Killing You Seriously look at that info-graphic. It bothered me enough that I started researching stand up desks and came across this post which I think has some great information. Why and How I Switched to a Standing Desk. I am actually planning to purchase a stand up desk. I’ve hated my current home one for a year or more and been planning to replace it. I thought I’d start small with the home office space and see how I like it. Then, if I do, I’ll figure out how to make it work at work (and  shoudl confess that shoes are my biggest concern). I’m currently investigating options that don’t cost a fortune such as Adjustable Height Stand-Up Workstation, Stand-up Workstation, Medium Oak, but the most likely option looks like the Fredrik desk from Ikea.

3. Work Smart: 5 Easy To-Dos That Keep Your To-Do List Healthy – conquer that to-do list!

  1. Choose the right tool:
  2. Be in the now:
  3. Learn to delegate
  4. Prioritize and reward: Y
  5. Plan ahead:

4. Facebook seeks exemption from fed’s rules requiring political campaign ads to include disclosures of who paid for them yep. for reals. In case you dont’ see the humor (irony?) in this see this weeks #1

Facebook, the company that has helped put so much of what was once private out in open on the web, is looking for a sort of corporate privacy setting of its own — the company is looking to ensure that it is exempt from federal election rules requiring campaign advertisements to include disclosures of who paid for them.

In a request to the Federal Election Commission made late last month, lawyers for the social networking powerhouse argued that the small ads on Facebook’s website should not have to include disclosures because of the limited amounts of room for text.

5. The Library As Game: What NYPL is Doing Right « Hybrid Librarian – great post from the fab Erin Downey Howerton about the New York Public Library’s all-night geekfest, Find the Future: The Game. Seriously check it out.

6. love this! -> The price of leadership is responsibility…to stay positive whether you feel like it or not – Churchill – this is from a great post titled The 4 Positive Price Points of Leadership.

  1. Think Positive Thoughts
  2. Speak Positive Words
  3. Provide Positive Encouragement
  4. Create Positive Solutions

7. The disgraceful interrogation of L.A. school librarians – the stories of what is happening to school librarians in California is shameful and unbelievable. Read a first hand account of the shameful integration of teachers librarians

8. Why Successful People Leave Work Early – now if we could just get based the clock-punching, micro-managing, factory-work mentality of so many work places and people.

9. Stopping Theft at Work or how & why to stop others for taking credit for your work – anyone who’s ever had another take credit for their work at knows the frustrated helplessness and anger at the situation whether it’s a boss or a coworker this article from Harvard Business Review covers how and why to stand up for yourself.

Failing to tell your own story of what is happening and then wondering why you don’t get appropriate credit is little like leaving a wad of cash on a picnic table while you wander off to feed the ducks. If someone else takes it, you could call it theft — the thief will just say, “Finders keepers.” Don’t make it easy for sticky fingers to take things that don’t belong to them. The issue isn’t whether you manage up and out. The only question is how to do it:

10. Sen. Rockefeller introduces ‘do not track’ bill for Internet – Post Tech – The Washington Post

Sen. John D. Rockefeller (D-W.Va.) on Monday introduced an online “do not track” privacy bill that would allow consumers to block Internet companies from following their activity on the Web.

The Do-Not-Track Online Act of 2011 comes amid increased attention by lawmakers on creating privacy rules for the Internet. The White House has called for such rules but has not supported a specific mandate that would block companies from tracking users.

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