Librarian by Day

Bobbi L. Newman

After much preperation the time has finally arrived!  This week I’m cohosting a Web 2.0 workshop sponsered by MOREnet and the Missouri State Library.  The topic – They asked us to talk about using Web 2.0 tools in your library! 

Even better, my cohost and I created the whole thing using Google Docs.  How else are two people going to edit a presentation at all hours of the day and night?  These will not be on my slideshare account if you want to see them you’ll have to check them out on the wiki after the end of the week.  They wont all be up until the end of the workshop on Friday. 

If you don’t have, don’t want or just aren’t signed into your Google account you can watch the presentation. 

Viewing a presentation in Google Docs

But if you want to get more from the presentation you should sign in. 

Viewing Presentations in Google Docs

If you log in with your Google account you can see the Speakers Notes.  You’ll be able to see the notes the speaker has entered for each slide, and in this case who is responsible for each section of the presentation. 

Getting more from Presentations in Google Docs

2 responses to “Becoming 2.0 – What 2.0 can do you for you”

  1. fernr Avatar

    Saw the wiki and was wondering if the audio is available as well or just the slides?


  2. Bobbi Newman Avatar

    Unfortunately we didn’t record the workshop. It was 4 days long I’m not sure you’d want to listen to it if we had. 🙂


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