Librarian by Day

Bobbi L. Newman

Setting boundaries at work is not just a matter of personal preference; it’s an important part of well-being at work for you and your teammates. Setting boundaries helps maintain a healthy work-life balance and ensures long-term well-being. Establishing clear boundaries helps safeguard our mental and emotional health. By setting boundaries around time, how we are treated, turning off the Zoom camera, limiting distractions, communicating about your preferred working style, what we need to decline, etc., we foster a culture of respect for our own time and energy and the time and energy of others. This practice enhances our productivity by preventing burnout and contributes to a more positive and supportive workplace atmosphere.

Setting boundaries at work empowers us to prioritize tasks effectively and focus on our most impactful contributions. It encourages open communication and mutual understanding among team members, leading to a more collaborative and efficient work environment. When we clearly communicate our limits, we teach others how to treat us and what to expect, paving the way for healthier professional relationships.

Establishing boundaries at work is essential for the well-being of the team as a whole, and it benefits everyone involved. When team members set and respect each other’s boundaries, it fosters a culture of mutual respect and understanding. This culture not only supports the individual well-being of team members but also enhances team cohesion and collaboration. A team that recognizes and adheres to personal and professional boundaries is likelier to work effectively together, navigate conflicts constructively, and achieve collective goals more efficiently. Moreover, such an environment encourages open communication, leading to innovative solutions and a more dynamic, adaptable team.

Your guide to drawing the line and setting boundaries that work – This article offers excellent advice. It covers types of boundaries, mental, physical, and emotional. Recommendations to explore your values and beliefs which will help you decide what your boundaries are. Finally, what to do when someone breaks a boundarie.

Setting Boundaries at Work: A Key to Well-Being This article focuses on the way setting boundaries improves your wellbeing before moving into types of boundaries mental, physical, emotional. It provides 10 tips on how to set boundaries at work. Then it gives examples of healthy and unhealthy boundaries which is nice if you’re questioning your boundaries. Finally, it recommends how to handle boundary violations.

6 Ways to Set Boundaries at Work—Even When It’s Uncomfortable This artilce give specific examples and how to handle them includng messages outside of work hours or during vacations, too much work, needing to step down after saying yes, disconnecting from chatting coworkers, and sharing your communication preferences.

How To Set Personal Boundaries at Work – This article is specific to setting boundaries between your personal life and work.

16 Ways To Set Boundaries at Work and Why It Matters – This article provides clear examples of how to set boundaries at work.

10 Ways To Set Healthy Boundaries At Work – This is a nice step by step of how to decide and set boundaries.

Forget ‘quiet quitting’ — here’s why loud boundaries are better for work wellbeing – This is an interesting take. I’m not sure I agree with it, but everyone’s work situation is different and this may work for some people.

I also recommend Set Boundaries, Find Peace: A Guide to Reclaiming Yourself by Nedra Glover Tawwab. This book isn’t just about work. She has a Facebook and Instagram which tend to focus more on peronal relationships

One response to “Setting Boundaries at Work for Personal and Team Wellbeing”

  1. Psychological Safety in Libraries and the Veneer of Niceness – Librarian by Day Avatar

    […] safety due to some recent conversations and it I think it is an important follow up to the post on setting boundaries at work. One particular conversation shined a light on the conflict between psychological safety and the […]


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