Librarian by Day

Bobbi L. Newman

brass 10My personally selected top ten from the links I shared on Twitter 11/5/2010 through 11/11/2010. For the record I had a very hard time choosing only 10 this week.  In no particular order:

1. Love this idea! RT @BaranCLE: How to Destroy Your Past Lives by @evbogue This post centers around the idea – “We evolve into new and better individuals every single day. ” As someone who works hard to evolve into better versions of me I also struggle with letting go of the old me too.

The choice though is this: will you continue to build up your energy in order to focus on the person you were back then? Or can you let it go, to concentrate on the faces around you now? Here are a few actions that I’ve taken to clear the past, maybe they can help you.

  1. Destroy your old unpublished work.
  2. Don’t collect souvenirs
  3. I lose touch with (most) old friends.

Why we need to destroy our past lives.

The world is speeding up. 100 years ago, you’d probably have the same small group of friends who supported each other for your entire life. You never left the town you were born in. In order to get in touch you had to send a postcard via the, uhm, snail mail? Whatever that is.

In today’s world, it’s not uncommon to live many different lives over the course of your own. You’ll morph, change, your life will transition. You’ll move dozens or hundreds of times as the ever-growing cloud of connected information cares for your survival.

You have a choice, you can either let the pain and joys of the past build up until they’re too heavy a burden. Or, you can let everything go. Burn your notebooks, let the friends go, leave the souvenirs at the shop.

2. great post! RT @ValentineLuLu: Would love your thoughts! blogged: 4 tips for bridging the enthusiasm gap#transliteracy – Another thoughtful post by Jamie Hollier on transliteracy.

  1. Focus on outcomes
  2. Use people within your community
  3. Work with local business
  4. Talk about successes

3. The Happiness Project: 13 Tips for Dealing with a Really Lousy Day – Love the Happiness Project. Many of you know I have been focusing on happiness and positivity a lot lately, this is one of my favorite sites.

  1. Resist the urge to “treat” yourself.
  2. Do something nice for someone else.
  3. Distract yourself
  4. Seek inner peace through outer order.
  5. Tell yourself, “Well, at least I
  6. Exercise is an extremely effective mood booster –
  7. Stay in contact.
  8. It’s a cliché, but things really will look brighter in the morning.
  9. Remind yourself of your other identities.
  10. Keep perspective.
  11. Write it down.
  12. Be grateful.
  13. Use the emergency mood tool-kit

4. very cool visualization RT @andypowe11: nice “what mobile really means” mindmap by @m1ke_ellis for #cetis10

"Activate the world" (or: what "mobile" really means)

5. RT @wsstephens Librarians & media specialists mentioned twice, libraries not at all RT @sigms National Ed Tech Plan released today – In case you missed is the U.S. Department of Education released the finalized National Education Technology Plan last week.  As pointed out by Wendy Stephens – Librarians & media specialists mentioned twice, libraries not at all, not good, we definitely have a role to play.

The plan, titled “Transforming American Education: Learning Powered by Technology,” presents a model with key goals in five areas: learning, assessment, teaching, infrastructure and productivity. Each core section outlines concepts for using technology to holistically transform education, with the aim to achieve each goal by 2015.

  • Learning: Change the learning process so it’s more engaging and tailored to students’ needs and interests.
  • Assessment: Measure student progress on the full range of college and career ready standards and use real time data for continuous improvement.
  • Teaching: Connect teachers to the tools, resources, experts and peers they need to be highly effective and supported.
  • Infrastructure: Provide broadband connectivity for all students, everywhere—in schools, throughout communities and in students’ homes.
  • Productivity: Use technology to help schools become more productive and accelerate student achievement while managing costs.

“Our nation’s schools have yet to unleash technology’s full potential to transform learning,” Duncan said. “We’re at an important transition point. We need to leverage technology’s promise to improve learning.”

Overall, the plan addresses technology trends that could transform education, such as mobility and accessibility, the rise of digital content, and the rise of online social networks for information, collaboration and learning. Importantly, it stresses that technology in the classroom only works when paired with effective teaching.

6. very cool really. check it out. RT @dmlcentral: “How the Internet works.” Creative visual perspectivesreally very cool, go look through them.

“Draw how the Internet works” That was the assignment John Britton gave his School of Webcraft class, “Web 200: Anatomy of a Request.” The course is about everything that happens from when you press ‘go’ in your browser to seeing a page rendered on your screen. The results of the class’s first assignment are pretty awesome, as you can see from the Flickr set John’s posted.

7. Introducing Transliteracy: What does it Mean to Academic Librarians –  One of my fellow bloggers at Libraries and Transliteracy and Co-Chair for the Transliteracy IG published an article in College & Research Libraries News

8. Seven qualities of highly effective technology trainers via @temperedradical @nancyrubin Great list! Knowledge and smarts do not make you a tech trainer, I’ve been thinking about this a lot since hearing a techie make fun of people who don’t know what https signifies.

  1. WIIFM – What’s In It For Me
  2. The problem is on the desk, not in the chair.
  3. No mouse touching.
  4. Great analogies.
  5. Clear support materials and advanced planning.
  6. Knowing what is essential and what is only confusing.
  7. Perspective.

9. 6 ways iPhone and Android users differ

10. The Eloquent Woman: Taking charge of your conversations and speaking: The language of power – Dennis Graveline links to an article How To Become Fluent In the Language of Power that is an excerpt from No Excuses: 9 Ways Women Can Change How We Think about Power.  Loved the article and put the book on my to-read list.

3 responses to “Top Ten Links Week 45: Dealing with a Bad Day, National Ed Tech Plan, Technology Training, Visualization and More”

  1. librarianbyday Avatar

    Top Ten Links Week 45: Dealing with a Bad Day, National Ed Tech Plan, Technology Training, Visualization and More


    1. develyndeskyes Avatar

      RT @librarianbyday: Top Ten Links Week 45: Dealing with a Bad Day, National Ed Tech Plan, Technology Training, Visualization and More ht …


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