Librarian by Day

Bobbi L. Newman

My personally selected top 10 links that I posted on Twitter from 6/11/2010 to 6/17/2010

1. me too! RT @sumaya: I need to take the advice from this post: Learn to Say “NO” to (more) Meetings – written for entrepreneurs but great advice for anyone

2. The Death of the Library: Read It and Weep

I walked into my local public library in London the other day and got a rude shock. All of my favorite librarians were gone. They’d been replaced by machines. Where the circulation desk once stood — manned by a friendly soul with whom I’d chat about politics or the weather or the latest London Review of Books — I now swiped my library card and pushed a button that said “borrow” or “return.”

They’d also done some remodeling. This particular branch sits in an elegant 1930s building located in the garden of the house where the poet John Keats wrote his “Ode to a Nightingale.” The main room — once cluttered with books that literally spilled onto the floor — now is a shadow of its former self. Rather than books, the main thing on display would appear to be tables — artfully dotted around the room as if this were a café or the premier-class lounge for an airline

3a rant about library architecture. BRILLIANT! via RT @JustinLibrarian RT @buffyjhamilton: RT @ThatAndromeda: – great response by Andromeda to the above post

It seems to me there are three separate threads in this article, and I’m not sure the author clearly separates them even though they are quite different:

4. Facebook Hates Your Brand – a look at the Facebook Community pages and what they mean to libraries.

5. Should we be teaching students to multitask AND focus? via @WendyDrexler

6. 7 Things You Should Know About E-Readers answers 7 questions about ereaders

  1. What is it?
  2. How does it work?
  3. Who’s using it?
  4. Why is it signfication
  5. What are the downsides?
  6. Where is it going?
  7. What are the implications for education and learning?

7. Are Public Libraries in a Death Spiral?

The public library of the future has to stop being about collections and start being about helping people and communities.

8. 7 Ways to Identify Your Strengths

  1. Journals
  2. Your notes
  3. Mentors
  4. Asking people who care
  5. Notice what gets in you the flow
  6. Be aware
  7. Notice what you are asked for

9. RT @theREALwikiman: US Librarians – would love your perspective on professional library bodies engaging w/ media: Hot topic! CILIP and the Media – this discussion is about a UK library organization CILIP and this involvement it should have representing the profession in the media.  Could easily be applied to the States & ALA

10. Please share with your admin: A Technology Plan Based on Differentiated Learning – the post focuses on schools but this could easily be applied to libraries.

One response to “Top Ten Links Week 24”

  1. Andromeda Avatar

    Thanks for the linkback! Glad you enjoyed it. Nice to see it here as a point/counterpoint.


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