Librarian by Day

Bobbi L. Newman

As part of National Privacy week I thought I would share some of my favorite quotes about privacy. Hopefully they will get you thinking about privacy, if you weren’t before, and spark some conversation.

10 . Our work to improve privacy continues today. – Mark Zuckerberg CEO of Facebook

I don’t think I really have to comment on this one, its just amusing.

9 .Law-abiding citizens value privacy. Terrorists require invisibility. The two are not the same, and they should not be confused. ~ Richard Perle

According to Wikipedia – “Richard Norman Perle is an American political advisor and lobbyist who worked for the Reagan administration as an assistant Secretary of Defense and worked on the Defense Policy Board Advisory Committee from 1987 to 2004. He was Chairman of the Board from 2001 to 2003 under the Bush Administration.”

8. The real danger is the gradual erosion of individual liberties through automation, integration, and interconnection of many small, separate record-keeping systems, each of which alone may seem innocuous, even benevolent, and wholly justifiable. -Anon., U. S. Privacy Study Commission, 1977

If we ignore small gradual erosions to privacy, especially in the name of convenience or safety, we risk a much larger overall loss that we aren’t aware of until its too late.

7. Every CEO of a social network should be required to use the default privacy settings for all of their accounts on the service. – Anil Dash


6. It is the first responsibility of every citizen to question authority. – Ben Franklin

Its a great reminder. There is nothing wrong with asking questions and wanting answers, especially in regard to privacy.

5. If you have something that you don’t want anyone to know, maybe you shouldn’t be doing it in the first place. – Eric Schmidt, CEO of Google

Oh really? I do all sorts of things I don’t want anyone to know about, nothing crazy or illegal, but personal and private. I don’t want those things  broadcast. Thanks.

4. You already have zero privacy. Get over it. –  Scott G. McNealy CEO of Sun Microsystems Inc

This was said in 1999, yes, really.

3. No matter how many times a privileged straight white male technology executive pronounces the death of privacy, Privacy Is Not Dead. People of all ages care deeply about privacy. And they care just as much about privacy online as they do offlineMaking Sense of Privacy and Publicity

Privacy doesn’t mean the same to everyone and the end of it will affect people of different social and economic classes differently.

2. Once conversations that should be private are undertaken in a public forum, they become theater – meant for the onlookers more than the participants. – Are we surrendering our privacy too easily?

This is fascinating to me. The process of being watched changes how we behave both offline and online. Just as you question the reality of reality tv so should you consider the validity of statements and actions carried out in a public forum where the  participant knows there is an audience.

1.  Just because something is publicly accessible does not mean that people want it to be publicized. – “Making Sense of Privacy and Publicity

This is hands down my favorite privacy quote.  There is a huge difference between something happening in public and it being publicized. If you’re not keeping up with what danah boyd says about privacy you should be. She has a firm understanding of the nuances of online privacy and she explains them clearly so anyone can understand.

Image used courtesy of a creative commons license by practicalowl on fllickr

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18 responses to “My Favorite Privacy Quotes – A Top Ten Countdown”

  1. jinxlibrarian Avatar

    RT @librarianbyday: My Favorite Privacy Quotes – A Top Ten Countdown


  2. cougarlibrarian Avatar

    @librarianbyday Just wanted you to know that I find your links really helpful!


    1. librarianbyday Avatar

      @cougarlibrarian thank you! Makes me happy to hear it 🙂


  3. J_Nellie Avatar

    RT @librarianbyday: A Top Ten Countdown of My Favorite #Privacy Quotes –


  4. twt_n_retwt Avatar

    RT @librarianbyday: A Top Ten Countdown of My Favorite #Privacy Quotes –


  5. amlibraries Avatar

    RT @librarianbyday: A Top Ten Countdown of My Favorite #Privacy Quotes –


  6. TedBodewes Avatar

    RT @librarianbyday: A Top Ten Countdown of My Favorite #Privacy Quotes –


  7. jillogc Avatar

    RT @librarianbyday: A Top Ten Countdown of My Favorite #Privacy Quotes –


  8. Jean Costello Avatar

    You rock, Bobbi. The information you continually put out on this is extremely important. Thanks.

    I’d like to add a quote from Kent Anderson’s great post in the Scholarly KitchenIs Privacy Dead? Only When Exploitation Mixes with Apathy: … nobody survives in a culture in which privacy is not acknowledged as a basic barrier to authority.


  9. Carleen Avatar

    Awesome, thanks for this! I really like #2, not something you’re immediately aware of while reading/participating in public forums.


  10. Pamela Atherton Avatar

    Great post. Privacy is more important than ever because it is in short supply. Your quote #7 should be posted on every status in every form of social media. And your #1 provides a fine distinction in the fight to defend our privacy. Thanks! I think I’ve found a new favorite blog!


  11. Fatal flaw in Facebook’s privacy promises? | Contemplation Avatar

    […] to follow the mantra: everything I do online is public. And Scott McNealy (CEO, Sun Microsystems) said in 1999: You already have zero privacy. Get over […]


  12. Cathy Burns Avatar

    Thank you very much for your great post. I’ve come back to it several times to re-read your quotes, as they provide such different perspective on the issue. I also liked your observation, “There is a huge difference between something happening in public and it being publicized.” I’ll be on the lookout for that book. You inspired me to blog on it for our library’s blog too.

    I’ll also be linking to your blog, if that is OK.
    Thanks again.


  13. For National Privacy Week May 1-7, 2013 | Lantana's Little List Avatar

    […] any case,  I found librarian Bobbi Newman’s blog entry on privacy to be most  enlightening.   Newman observes that, “There is a huge difference between […]


  14. Fatal flaw in Facebook’s privacy promises? | Akshat Rathi Avatar

    […] to follow the mantra: everything I do online is public. And Scott McNealy (CEO, Sun Microsystems) said in 1999: You already have zero privacy. Get over […]


  15. […] Schmidt quoted by Newman, B (2014), My Favourite privacy quotes, Available at (Accessed 9 March […]


  16. […] Here are some additional articles etc regarding privacy & surveillance online: Social workers warned to maintain online privacy boundaries with clients Should you be concerned about your online privacy? Can Google Be Trusted? Guide To Protecting Your Online Privacy A path to online privacy (video) Facebook apologizes to drag queens, but politics of online identity and privacy persist Online identity matters: Facebook, Ello, and the right to pseudonyms My Favorite Privacy Quotes – A Top Ten Countdown […]


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