Librarian by Day

Bobbi L. Newman

1004teacher.gifMRRL is getting ready to kick off it’s new serious of computer/internet classes for the public. I’ve agreed to teach half of them, so I’ve been busy working on presentations and plans. I wonder how this will be different from teaching other Librarians. Here’s my list of classes, any tips or suggestions? 🙂

  • Introduction to Blogging: Learn the basics of blogging – We’ll cover, what is a blog, how to find blogs you’d like to read, how to start a blog and basic blog etiquette.
  • Find Your Friends on Facebook :An introduction to Facebook, a social website used to find and stay in touch with old and new friends.
  • Online Picture Sharing : Learn the basics of storing and sharing your pictures on the internet. Using an online photos site is a great back up of your digital pictures!
  • Discover New Library Resources : Explore the many online resources the library offers access to. Introduction to many of our databases and the best way to search them.
  • The Basics of Internet Safety : Want to be involved with the new, fun sites you’re hearing about but wonder how safe they are? Want to know more about the sites your children are using and what safety measures they should be following? We’ll talk safety tips and suggestions on social sites like Facebook, Myspace and Flickr
  • Explore Online reading and book tools : Using web tools to keep track of what you’ve read, what you want to read, get suggestions, keep track of books you own and connect with readers with similar interests

3 responses to “Computer/Internet Classes for Patrons”

  1. tab Avatar

    Super cool! Those look like some really great basics for your patrons.


  2. joshua m. neff Avatar

    Those sound like great classes! I’d love to hear how they turn out.


  3. mary Avatar

    Would you be willing to share your curriculum? We are trying to energize our class offerings and some of these are perfect.


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