Librarian by Day

Bobbi L. Newman

WorkinSix months ago (almost to the day) I wrote the post that started the Library Day in the Life meme, which led to Lori Reed creating the wiki where people who participated signed up so we could share. Many of us actually post a weeks worth of days.

There was some discussion of doing it again in six months, it was summer for the academics and for the rest of us things change so fast who know what six months forward would bring? It’s been six months, is anyone up for round two?  When should we start? I’m leaning toward January 26th for me.  That’s the next “normal” week I’ll have.

Missed is the first time and want to know what is’ all about? The idea was to show the diversity of librarian and library positions and that we don’t all spend our days reading books 🙂  Check out these blogs:

10 responses to “Library Day in the Life – Round Two?”

  1. Anna Avatar

    I’m game for the 26th.


  2. mlibrarianus Avatar

    Since I missed round one the 26th works for me.


  3. Dani Vaughn-Tucker Avatar

    I am always up for a round of “Library Day in the Life.”


  4. Stephanie Zimmerman Avatar

    I can handle the week of the 26th – thanks for organizing this!


  5. Stephanie Zimmerman Avatar

    Whoops, had my daughter’s blog in as my website on the comment above. This comment will link to the right place!


  6. […] Library Day in the Life – Round Two? « Librarian by Day […]


  7. Kathryn Greenhill Avatar

    I’d love to be part of it, but January 26 is Australia Day, a National holiday here in Oz 🙂


  8. Bobbi Newman Avatar

    Don’t let a holiday stop you! Last time many people did it for a whole week or you could just do the day after. There are no hard fast rules!


  9. animatedlibrarian Avatar

    I missed round one also, I’m game for round two! – Alison Steinberg


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