Librarian by Day

Bobbi L. Newman

Right side of presentation roomMobuis is a consortium of Missouri Libraries, predominately universities and colleges, with a few public libraries, like MRRL. It’s a relatively small conference aimed at academics, but so many things translate across the board – podcasting, social networking, improving your OPAC, etc.  I was able to attend some great sessions, and like always I’m returning to work with Plans.  Nothing gets me revved up to try new things like connecting with other librarians. 🙂  Stay tuned!

The presentation went great.  The photo at right shows the right half of the room, there was a large pillar in the middle that really limited how much I could move around while talking and still stay in sight for everyone.  I also had to use a mic, the room was too big and too crowded for even me to be able to talk loud enough in.  I’m sure I’ll get used to it but it really made me feel disconnected from the audience and that connection is one of my favorite things about giving talks like this.  🙂


One response to “Mobius Conference Overview”

  1. Joy Weese Moll Avatar

    I gave my talk last year in the same room and had the same complaints! Oh well, people seemed to get something out of it. I think it’s more uncomfortable for the speaker than the audience.


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