Librarian by Day

Bobbi L. Newman

ll21logo2sm-copy.jpgOk sometimes my geekiness surprises even me. Most of the big decisions for LL2.1 have been made for a while now, the prizes were agreed upon, lessons have been written (just not posted), I’m just waiting for the kick off. I have spent countless hours brain storming, thinking up plans and incentives, writing lessons, talking to staff, talking to my boss, antagonizing over why people didn’t participate last time and will they participate this time? So the last couple of weeks, kinda blah. But today, today it all pays off. The first lesson is Monday but today I sent my first staff email officially announcing the plan and kicking off the blog. I already have two comments. TWO! Remember we have less than 60 people working at the library so two on the first day is a lot. Even better, these commenters, they’re excited! Oh my! I hope we can live up to their expectations!

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