Librarian by Day

Bobbi L. Newman

google_reader_logoHere is the deal, my RSS reader, its overwhelmed, I have waaaayyy too many blogs in it.  I’ve tried weeding (something I’m known for being good at around the library) and I’m still not down far enough.  I think I have a new plan. I’m going to unsubscribe to everything.  If its good and worthwhile it will find its way back right?

So if you were going to recommend 5 blogs to someone starting a new reader account what would they be?

8 responses to “What 5 blogs do you think are MUST read?”

  1. dccrowley Avatar

    Hi Bobbi, just my 2 cents. I have abandoned my reader. I use iGoogle. I have about 5 tabs and maybe 10-15 feeds in each. Using iGoogle I can scan real quick and get what I need.

    I also use feedly. It’s a Firefox plugin and I love it. It makes reading a ton of feeds very easy. But as far as I know it only works if you are already using Google reader. See:

    Sorry that does not answer your question but it is an alternative route 🙂

    My powerhouse for the next web stuff would be: RSSmeme, Techmeme, hackernews, Twitturly,

    What is good about the about these 5 is they gather many sources… and it’s what’s getting noticed now. It’s a kind of cure.


  2. Cheryl Avatar

    I’m also guilty of subscribing to way to many feeds, so when I’m trying to cut back I find myself kind of cheating and looking for aggregate feeds that give lots of content. Planet Code4Lib (, for example, includes several blogs, but hey, it’s only one feed 🙂


  3. Victoria Avatar

    I currently have 89 subscriptions in my Reader, and so far, haven’t had too much of a problem.

    Recently I read this article, “HOW TO: Use Google Reader Like A Rockstar” (; I’ll be trying out some of the authors Folders and Firefox extension tips to customize and organize my Reader.

    It was hard to narrow down my list, but here are my 5 favorites:

    Chris Brogan:, my absolute MUST HAVE;

    David Lee King:, great library ideas and energy;

    Stephen’s Lighthouse:, terrific information;

    The ‘M’ Word – Marketing Libraries:, once again, great ideas and energy; and

    Tame the Web:, an industry standard, imho.

    Of course, I also really enjoy:

    Attempting Elegance:, for her writing;

    Swiss Army Librarian:, for his weekly reference questions; and

    The Well Dressed Librarian:, for HOTNESS!

    Can’t wait to find more subscriptions from your other readers…


  4. Edwin Khodabakchian Avatar

    Hi Bobbi,
    If you are an existing Google Reader user, could you please try to install feedly, go to the feedly dashboard and put a start next to the feeds you really like and think are must read and see if the feedly interface allows you to handle the volume? (feedly has the concept of favorite and non favorite feeds to help cut through some of the noise. That is at least the theory and I would be curious to see if it would work for you.
    Thank you,


  5. Andrew Avatar

    posted on FF, but thought I’d share here too:
    Pegasus Librarian
    Information wants to be free
    Karen Schneider
    Attempting Elegance
    David Lee King

    What I’ve also discovered that has helped is that eventually if it’s a really good post other folks pick up on it and comment on it. And FF is really good about picking up posts!


  6. Sheli Avatar

    I think I’d go w/ David Lee King’s Blog, Tame the Web, Librarian in Black, hmmmm they’re definitely my top three. I really love the LibraryThing blogs too. And GuidePosts for new OPAC/ILS trends. OK, that’s 5! Good luck!


  7. John Fritz Avatar
    John Fritz

    I couldn’t live without the Annoyed Librarian blog at


  8. sylvie Avatar

    OK, big mouth goes on past 5 but here:

    1st get an RSS for libraries/library in flickr. it will link you to all that is good in the end… including the Michaels and the Stephens and other “classics” 😉

    5 library blogs:
    1- because she continues to be one of the most unique voice in the library world
    2- librarybytes HB is so real
    3- maison bisson (most of it goes over my head but it still makes me feel smart)
    4- for geek envy
    5- walkingpaper for cool envy

    3 non-library blogs:
    1- seth’s blog still the best
    2- popgadget for techno lust
    and I still can’t miss anything on: 3- joel on software, see how cool today:


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