Librarian by Day

Bobbi L. Newman

My personally selected top 10 from the links I shared on Twitter from 3/19/2010 thru 3/25/2010

1. Youth in Nigeria leverage social media to organize and document massive rally against government via @dmlcentral:

Twitter users Gbengasesan and Bubusn posted pictures of the march, and live footage of the event was available at ustream. The demonstration had an online presence unprecedented in the history of Nigerian protest: Facebook, Twitter, and Nigeria’s extensive blogging networks were all mobilized in support of the event (of particular note were the Facebook group Save Nigeriaand the demonstration organizers’ website Where is Yar’Adua?).Nigerian Curiosity even reported that the hashtag#enoughisenough was the number three trending topic on Twitter (though she pointed out that not all the tweets referred specifically to the demonstration in Abuja).

Many in the online community expressed their support for the marchers.

2. Overdrive’s New Program for Visually Impaired Readers – the first thing I did after reading this is email my Overdrive rep and tell him we want to sign up! LEAP allows your library patrons to access and use, a service limited to students.  The partnership between Overdrive and Bookshare will extend Bookshare services to patrons of libraries who provide Overdrive service to their patrons.  There is no additional cost.  If your library offers Overdrive service email your rep and tell her you want to sign up for LEAP!

3. for those who think Google is the devil – How I Became (Mostly) Google-free in About a Day I’ll confess I think Google owns my soul or at least has a lien on it, but if you’ve been thinking of kicking the Google habit this is a must read.

4. watch this! SMS for Life – Common Craft – great explanation as always

5. On stereotypes and the echo chamber – great post from Kate on the echo chamber in which she notes

I’m sure no one’s missed the irony of all of us talking about the echo chamber to each other

6. Broadband access for all is essential to meeting the information needs of communities in a democracy – Eric Newton comments on the FCC’s National Broadband Plan and  The Knight Foundation report Information Needs of Communities in a Democracy

In the digital age, countries without high-speed broadband will be left behind, their citizens able to vote but not knowing why they should; able to work but not knowing how to find a job online.

7. User-Centered Innovation Is Not Sustainable

User-centered innovation has helped conduct us into an unsustainable world. The reason is sustainability is not embedded in the anthropology of our existing culture, society, and economy.

8. The most important things in libraries are people via  @LISNews

9. Six reasons to be skeptical of the Net Gen label & stereotypes if you are talking or thinking about digital natives or the digital generation this is a MUST read.

  1. It exaggerates the gaps between adults and youth.
  2. It hides more important intra-generational differences.
  3. It ignores potentially important socio-economic and cultural differences.
  4. It ignores important second level digital divides.
  5. It is based on unfounded assumptions about current approaches to teaching.
  6. The evidence doesn’t support most of the key Net Gen claims.

10. Work Smart: Do Your Worst Task First (Or, Eat a Live Frog Every Morning) via @dmlcentral – you know how much I love time management and productivity tips 😉

Creative Commons licensed photos used courtesy of bowbrick on flickr.

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