Librarian by Day

Bobbi L. Newman

Since I’m at what is my first of two conferences this month I thought I’d try to share some conference tips I’ve pulled together over the years and ask you – what have I missed?

  • Give people your name, wear your name badge up near your face rather than on a lanyard so it’s easy for people to glance at it while talking to.  Introduce yourself, even if you’ve already met the person.  Some of us have hard time with names and there are a LOT of people to remember.
  • Don’t hang out with the people you came with – Go to different sessions, maximize your time at the conference you can share with each other what you learned.
  • Meet new people – you’re probably not going to meet new people if you’re hanging out wtih the people you came with.  Get out of your comfort zone, ask people what they want to get from the conference, how far they traveled etc, you never know what you’ll learn or who you’ll meet.
  • Review the program before you go so you know what session you will be attending and when you’ll have free time to have coffee with someone you meet.
  • Know what amenities your hotel offers – internet access, gym, fridge, breakfast etc
  • Make time for down time, conferences can be overwhelming there is so much to do, so many people to meet.  Don’t wear yourself out early.
  • Wear comfortable shoes
  • Layer your clothes, bring a jacket, temperature can vary widely in rooms and you want to be comfortable
  • Drink lots of water

Recommended further reading:

What would you add?   What did I miss?

6 responses to “Tips for Conference Attendees”

  1. sylvie Avatar

    when layering clothes, keep one of your business cards in all your pockets, it helps your jacket make its way back to you if left in session rooms (or anywhere.)

    same goes for your laptop case, your briefcase, purse, conference binder etc…

    …even inside your luggage when traveling.


  2. Bobbi Newman Avatar

    Great suggestion, I’ll start doing this when I leave for Internet Librarian!


  3. Librarian by Day » My first ALA! Advice tips and tricks Avatar

    […] out a call for tips on Twitter and got a some great responses on FriendFeed and Twitter. I’ve blogged conference tips before and thought I’d recap and add some new ones as a reminder to […]


  4. Computers in Libraries – Following From a Distance #cil2010 | Librarian by Day Avatar

    […] Tips for Conference Attendees […]

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  5. NotMagic8Ball Avatar

    Always wear your name badge in the conference center or other venues but take it off when you’re on the street. If you don’t you label yourself as an out-of-town tourist. The same goes for those big exhibitor bags filled with goodies. Get them back to your hotel as quick as you can. On the street they’re a billboard saying; “Hit on me, I’m a tourist.”


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