Librarian by Day

Bobbi L. Newman

Thank you to Brenda, Josh, Erin, Scott, Sharon, Heather, Kate, David and everyone else who welcomed me and, even more important, did not point and laugh when I confessed my clothes closet is organized by a serious system including color, sleeve length, style and whether it was a “work” item.  🙂   I saw a lot of great gadgets, attended a session by Royce Kitts & Eric Gustafson on gaming in the library and one with Brenda Hough on Getting the Technology Training.  David Lee King gave a thought provoking presentation on Emerging Trends.    The keynote by Michael Porter was way more than a presentation, more like an experience, conversation starting and insightful.  Its clear he sees an amazing future for libraries and wants to share his vision with the rest of us.  Wow! I always come back from events charged up, and this one was no different.  I have pages of notes and many more action items on my to-do list.  What’s on your to-do list?

3 responses to “NEKLS Tech Day”

  1. Brenda Avatar

    Glad you were there, Bobbi! It was fun to get to spend some time with you in the real world.

    On my to-do list: Gain video editing skills. I have Audacity downloaded and have worked with it a bit, but am clumsy and unskilled. The software that comes with the Flip Cam is fine for the most basic of basics, but for anything more, I need something more.


  2. Heather Avatar

    It was great to see you again, too — and to find out there’s more people in the world who organize their closets down to the sleeve-length and collar type and the sub-organize by color 🙂 My to do list? Create more instruction sheets and put them up on — presentations were well-received and successful! Desire to do more sheets now 🙂


  3. Bobbi Newman Avatar

    @Brenda – Video editing is something I’m working on too. I’m still using MovieMaker. I’m not sure the library will purchase any other software, so I may end up getting it myself. I’m interested to know what you decide you like the best. I got some recommendations on Twitter today I’ll be checking into.

    @Heather – It’s great to know I’m not alone in my desire to organize 🙂


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